CohortConstructor benchmark


Cohorts are a fundamental building block for studies that use the OMOP CDM, identifying people who satisfy one or more inclusion criteria for a duration of time based on their clinical records. Currently cohorts are typically built using CIRCE which allows complex cohorts to be represented using JSON. This JSON is then converted to SQL for execution against a database containing data mapped to the OMOP CDM. CIRCE JSON can be created via the ATLAS GUI or programmatically via the Capr R package. However, although a powerful tool for expressing and operationalising cohort definitions, the SQL generated can be cumbersome especially for complex cohort definitions, moreover cohorts are instantiated independently, leading to duplicated work.

The CohortConstructor package offers an alternative approach, emphasizing cohort building in a pipeline format. It first creates base cohorts and then applies specific inclusion criteria. Unlike the “by definition” approach, where::here cohorts are built independently, CohortConstructor follows a “by domain” approach, which minimizes redundant queries to large OMOP tables. More details on this approach can be found in the Introduction vignette.

We benchmarked this package using nine phenotypes from the OHDSI Phenotype library that cover a range of concept domains, entry and inclusion criteria, and cohort exit options. We replicated these cohorts using CodelistGenerator and CohortConstructor to assess computational time and agreement between CIRCE and CohortConstructor.

Code and collaboration

The benchmarking code is available on the BenchmarkCohortConstructor repository on GitHub.

If you are interested in running the code on your database, feel free to reach out to us for assistance, and we can also update the vignette with your results! :)

The benchmark script was executed against the following four databases:

The table below presents the number of records in the OMOP tables used in the benchmark script for each of the participating databases.

OMOP table Database
CPRD Aurum CORIVA-Estonia CPRD Gold 100k OHDSI SQL server
person 47,193,158 438,433 100,000 1,000
observation_period 47,193,158 438,433 100,000 1,048
drug_exposure 3,256,609,138 31,265,445 12,403,195 49,542
condition_occurrence 2,110,992,846 40,957,155 3,191,739 160,322
procedure_occurrence 2,267,113,392 14,545,615 1,914,271 62,189
visit_occurrence 7,091,248,835 38,037,330 9,183,206 47,457
measurement 8,255,241,316 39,378,570 10,913,588 2,858
observation 16,425,069,199 37,010,044 11,107,039 13,481


We replicated the following cohorts from the OHDSI phenotype library: COVID-19 (ID 56), inpatient hospitalisation (23), new users of beta blockers nested in essential hypertension (1049), transverse myelitis (63), major non cardiac surgery (1289), asthma without COPD (27), endometriosis procedure (722), new fluoroquinolone users (1043), acquired neutropenia or unspecified leukopenia (213).

The COVID-19 cohort was used to evaluate the performance of common cohort stratifications. To compare the package with CIRCE, we created definitions in Atlas, stratified by age groups and sex, which are available in the benchmark GitHub repository with the benchmark code.

Cohort counts and overlap

The following table displays the number of records and subjects for each cohort across the participating databases:

Cohort name CIRCE CohortConstructor
Number records Number subjects Number records Number subjects
CPRD Aurum
Acquired neutropenia or unspecified leukopenia 1429966 632966 1302498 633030
Asthma without COPD 4009925 4009925 3934106 3934106
COVID-19 5600429 4452410 6206907 4452196
COVID-19: female 3111643 2434062 3452138 2438759
COVID-19: female, 0 to 50 2172113 1730180 2382039 1730116
COVID-19: female, 51 to 150 939818 708838 1070099 708643
COVID-19: male 2488786 2018348 2754769 2020625
COVID-19: male, 0 to 50 1709375 1422999 1862219 1422962
COVID-19: male, 51 to 150 779629 597804 892550 597663
Endometriosis procedure 139 108 77 77
Inpatient hospitalisation 0 0 0 0
Major non cardiac surgery 1932745 1932745 1932745 1932745
New fluoroquinolone users 1765274 1765274 1817439 1817439
New users of beta blockers nested in essential hypertension 98592 98592 102589 102589
Transverse myelitis 11930 4040 5818 4119
Acquired neutropenia or unspecified leukopenia 2231 634 2188 634
Asthma without COPD 25867 25867 25867 25867
COVID-19 421053 193435 435059 193435
COVID-19: female 235740 105849 243773 106322
COVID-19: female, 0 to 50 150121 69168 155256 69168
COVID-19: female, 51 to 150 85620 37154 88517 37154
COVID-19: male 185313 87586 191286 87891
COVID-19: male, 0 to 50 130252 63558 134415 63558
COVID-19: male, 51 to 150 55062 24333 56871 24333
Endometriosis procedure 0 0 0 0
Inpatient hospitalisation 267010 133705 267010 133705
Major non cardiac surgery 4025 4025 4025 4025
New fluoroquinolone users 39712 39712 39712 39712
New users of beta blockers nested in essential hypertension 18967 18967 18967 18967
Transverse myelitis 27 10 12 10
CPRD Gold 100k
Acquired neutropenia or unspecified leukopenia 2719 1167 2675 1167
Asthma without COPD 8808 8808 8741 8741
COVID-19 3231 2881 3275 2881
COVID-19: female 1748 1543 1771 1543
COVID-19: female, 0 to 50 1271 1125 1291 1125
COVID-19: female, 51 to 150 477 418 480 418
COVID-19: male 1483 1338 1504 1341
COVID-19: male, 0 to 50 1054 960 1072 960
COVID-19: male, 51 to 150 429 381 432 381
Endometriosis procedure 0 0 0 0
Inpatient hospitalisation 0 0 0 0
Major non cardiac surgery 4146 4146 4146 4146
New fluoroquinolone users 5412 5412 5412 5412
New users of beta blockers nested in essential hypertension 1723 1723 1723 1723
Transverse myelitis 31 11 15 11
OHDSI SQL server
Acquired neutropenia or unspecified leukopenia 151 86 106 86
Asthma without COPD 126 126 126 126
COVID-19 0 0 0 0
COVID-19: female 0 0 0 0
COVID-19: female, 0 to 50 0 0 0 0
COVID-19: female, 51 to 150 0 0 0 0
COVID-19: male 0 0 0 0
COVID-19: male, 0 to 50 0 0 0 0
COVID-19: male, 51 to 150 0 0 0 0
Endometriosis procedure 0 0 0 0
Inpatient hospitalisation 522 321 522 321
Major non cardiac surgery 88 88 92 92
New fluoroquinolone users 145 145 145 145
New users of beta blockers nested in essential hypertension 112 112 112 112
Transverse myelitis 0 0 0 0

We also computed the overlap between patients in CIRCE and CohortConstructor cohorts, with results shown in the plot below:


To evaluate CohortConstructor performance we generated each of the CIRCE cohorts using functionalities provided by both CodelistGenerator and CohortConstructor, and measured the computational time taken.

Two different approaches with CohortConstructor were tested:

By definition

The following plot shows the times taken to create each cohort using CIRCE and CohortConstructor when each cohorts were created separately.

By domain

The table below depicts the total time it took to create the nine cohorts when using the by domain approach for CohortConstructor.

Database_name Time (minutes)
CIRCE CohortConstructor
CORIVA-Estonia 9.51 9.95
CPRD Aurum 3,288.11 109.08
CPRD Gold 100k 73.41 7.85
OHDSI SQL server 2.89 18.56

Cohort stratification

Cohorts are often stratified in studies. With Atlas cohort definitions, each stratum requires a new CIRCE JSON to be instantiated, while CohortConstructor allows stratifications to be generated from an overall cohort. The following table shows the time taken to create age and sex stratifications for the COVID-19 cohort with both CIRCE and CohortConstructor.

Database Time (minutes)
CIRCE CohortConstructor
CORIVA-Estonia 14.38 23.51
CPRD Aurum 3,300.18 241.81
CPRD Gold 100k 166.66 19.52
OHDSI SQL server 4.56 46.64

Use of SQL indexes

For Postgres SQL databases, the package uses indexes in conceptCohort by default. To evaluate how much these indexes reduce computation time, we instantiated a subset of concept sets from the benchmark, both with and without indexes.

Four calls were made to conceptCohort, each involving a different number of OMOP tables. The combinations were:

  1. Drug exposure

  2. Drug exposure + condition occurrence

  3. Drug exposure + condition occurrence + procedure occurrence

  4. Drug exposure + condition occurrence + procedure occurrence + measurement

The plot below shows the computation time with and without SQL indexes for each scenario: