sfaR provides a set of tools (maximum likelihood and maximum simulated likelihood) for various specifications of stochastic frontier analysis.
Three categories of models are available in sfaR:
This model allows the estimation of the frontier for a cross-sectional or pooled data. Basically we have
\[y_i = \mathbf{x_i'}\boldsymbol{\beta} + v_i - Su_i\]
where \(S = 1\) for production function and \(S = -1\) for cost function. \(v\) follows a normal distribution \(\mathcal{N}(0, \sigma_v^2)\). For \(u\) ten different distributions are available. These distributions include:
In the case of the Gamma, lognormal and Weibull distributions, maximum simulated likelihood is used with the possibility of four possibilities to construct the draws: Halton, Generalized Halton, Sobol and uniform.
Heteroscedasticity in both error terms can be implemented, in
addition to heterogeneity in the truncated mean parameter in the case of
the truncated normal and lognormal distributions. In addition, in the
case of the truncated normal distribution, the scaling property can be
estimated. The main function for this class of model is
This model accounts for technological heterogeneity by splitting the
observations into a maximum number of five classes. The classification
operates based on a logit functional form that can be specified using
some covariates (namely, the separating variables allowing the
separation of observations in several classes). Only the half normal
distribution is available for the one-sided error term.
Heteroscedasticity in both error terms is possible. The choice of the
number of classes can be guided by several information criteria
(i.e. AIC, BIC or HQIC). The main function for this class of model is
This model solves the selection bias due to the correlation between
the two-sided errors terms in both the selection and the frontier
equations, in the case of cross-sectional or pooled data. The main
function for this class of model is sfaselectioncross
An important features of sfaR is to provide eleven different optimization algorithms. For complex problem, several algorithms can be combined especially non-gradient based in a first step.
You can install the development version of sfaR from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
::install_github("hdakpo/sfaR") devtools
Install the current version on CRAN with
# install.packages("sfaR")
This subsection provides set of examples introducing some important features of sfaR.
#> * Please cite the 'sfaR' package as:
#> Dakpo KH., Desjeux Y., Henningsen A., and Latruffe L. (2023). sfaR: Stochastic Frontier Analysis Routines. R package version 1.0.0.
#> See also: citation("sfaR")
#> * For any questions, suggestions, or comments on the 'sfaR' package, please make use of Tracker facilities at:
#> https://github.com/hdakpo/sfaR/issues
## basic examples code
## let's estimate the classic frontier for different distributions using
## the utility dataset, which contains data on fossil fuel fired
## steam electric power generation plants in the United States
<- sfacross(formula = log(tc/wf) ~ log(y) + I(1/2 * (log(y))^2) +
hlf log(wl/wf) + log(wk/wf) + I(1/2 * (log(wl/wf))^2) + I(1/2 * (log(wk/wf))^2) +
I(log(wl/wf) * log(wk/wf)) + I(log(y) * log(wl/wf)) + I(log(y) * log(wk/wf)),
udist = 'hnormal', uhet = ~ regu, data = utility, S = -1, method = 'bfgs')
<- sfacross(formula = log(tc/wf) ~ log(y) + I(1/2 * (log(y))^2) +
trnorm log(wl/wf) + log(wk/wf) + I(1/2 * (log(wl/wf))^2) + I(1/2 * (log(wk/wf))^2) +
I(log(wl/wf) * log(wk/wf)) + I(log(y) * log(wl/wf)) + I(log(y) * log(wk/wf)),
udist = 'tnormal', muhet = ~ regu, data = utility, S = -1, method = 'bfgs')
<- sfacross(formula = log(tc/wf) ~ log(y) + I(1/2 * (log(y))^2) +
tscal log(wl/wf) + log(wk/wf) + I(1/2 * (log(wl/wf))^2) + I(1/2 * (log(wk/wf))^2) +
I(log(wl/wf) * log(wk/wf)) + I(log(y) * log(wl/wf)) + I(log(y) * log(wk/wf)),
udist = 'tnormal', muhet = ~ regu, uhet = ~ regu, data = utility,
S = -1, method = 'bfgs', scaling = TRUE)
<- sfacross(formula = log(tc/wf) ~ log(y) + I(1/2 * (log(y))^2) +
expo log(wl/wf) + log(wk/wf) + I(1/2 * (log(wl/wf))^2) + I(1/2 * (log(wk/wf))^2) +
I(log(wl/wf) * log(wk/wf)) + I(log(y) * log(wl/wf)) + I(log(y) * log(wk/wf)),
udist = 'exponential', uhet = ~ regu, data = utility, S = -1, method = 'bfgs')
Outputs of estimation can be exported using the texreg
package. For instance, using the command
screenreg(list(hlf, trnorm, tscal, expo))
yields the
following output
## For the latent class stochastic frontier we have:
<- sfalcmcross(formula = ly ~ lk + ll + yr, thet = ~initStat,
lcm2c1 data = worldprod)
#> Initialization: SFA + halfnormal - normal distributions...
#> LCM 2 Classes Estimation...
<- sfalcmcross(formula = ly ~ lk + ll + yr, uhet = ~initStat,
lcm2c2 data = worldprod)
#> Initialization: SFA + halfnormal - normal distributions...
#> LCM 2 Classes Estimation...
The command screenreg(list(lcm2c1, lcm2c2))
the following
## The following simulation is used for the sample selection
<- 2000 # sample size
N set.seed(12345)
<- rnorm(N)
z1 <- rnorm(N)
z2 <- rnorm(N)
v1 <- rnorm(N)
v2 <- v1
e1 <- 0.7071 * (v1 + v2)
e2 <- z1 + z2 + e1
ds <- ifelse(ds > 0, 1, 0)
d <- abs(rnorm(N))
u <- rnorm(N)
x1 <- rnorm(N)
x2 <- x1 + x2 + e2 - u
y <- cbind(y = y, x1 = x1, x2 = x2, z1 = z1, z2 = z2, d = d)
## Estimation using quadrature (Gauss-Kronrod)
<- sfaselectioncross(selectionF = d ~ z1 + z2, frontierF = y ~ x1 + x2,
selecRes1 modelType = 'greene10', method = 'bfgs',
logDepVar = TRUE, data = as.data.frame(data),
S = 1L, udist = 'hnormal', lType = 'kronrod', Nsub = 100, uBound = Inf,
simType = 'halton', Nsim = 300, prime = 2L, burn = 10, antithetics = FALSE,
seed = 12345, itermax = 2000, printInfo = FALSE)
#> First step probit model...
#> Second step Frontier model...
## Estimation using quadrature (Gauss-Hermite)
<- sfaselectioncross(selectionF = d ~ z1 + z2, frontierF = y ~ x1 + x2,
selecRes2 modelType = 'greene10', method = 'bfgs',
logDepVar = TRUE, data = as.data.frame(data),
S = 1L, udist = 'hnormal', lType = 'ghermite', Nsub = 100, uBound = Inf,
simType = 'halton', Nsim = 300, prime = 2L, burn = 10, antithetics = FALSE,
seed = 12345, itermax = 2000, printInfo = FALSE)
#> First step probit model...
#> Second step Frontier model...
The command screenreg(list(selecRes1, selecRes2))