r2rtf is an R package to create production-ready tables and figures in RTF format. The package is designed with these principles:
).The R for clinical study reports and submission book provides tutorials by using real world examples.
You can install the package via CRAN:
Or, install from GitHub:
::install_github("Merck/r2rtf") remotes
The R package r2rtf provides flexibility to enable features below:
head(iris) %>%
rtf_body() %>% # Step 1 Add attributes
rtf_encode() %>% # Step 2 Convert attributes to RTF encode
write_rtf(file = "ex-tbl.rtf") # Step 3 Write to a .rtf file
If you use this software, please cite it as below.
Wang, S., Ye, S., Anderson, K., & Zhang, Y. (2020). r2rtf—an R Package to Produce Rich Text Format (RTF) Tables and Figures. PharmaSUG. https://pharmasug.org/proceedings/2020/DV/PharmaSUG-2020-DV-198.pdf
A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is
title = {{r2rtf}---an {R} Package to Produce {Rich Text Format} ({RTF}) Tables and Figures},
author = {Wang, Siruo and Ye, Simiao and Anderson, Keaven M and Zhang, Yilong},
booktitle = {PharmaSUG},
year = {2020},
url = {https://pharmasug.org/proceedings/2020/DV/PharmaSUG-2020-DV-198.pdf}